Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Horse Eyes

Some more exploration with front views of horse eyes.  All with references.

Techical info:
Time: Black&Whites: 15 minutes, Colored: 45 minutes
Program: Photoshop
Brushes: Hard round airbrush

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Horse Eye

Techical info:
Time: Without Reference: 10 minutes, With Reference: 15 minutes
Program: Photoshop
Brushes: Hard round airbrush

Without Reference:

With Reference:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


A comparison of what I can do with a reference vs. without one.  My thoughts: I go a lot slower with a reference, but I feel like getting proportions correct gives it more prospect to be decent with work.  I'm really slow in general.  I know I can bang out something decent with charcoal or conte crayon in that amount of time; but digital, and it looks like shit.

Techical info:
Time: 15 minutes (each)
Program: Photoshop
Brushes: Hard round airbrush

Without reference:

With reference:

Reference (personal photo):

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Neverending Goal...

...Of self-improvement.  Specifically, for this blog, the goal of improving artistic abilities, especially digital skills on Photoshop such as:
  • gaining speed and control over drawing in PS
  • better use of just the round brush
  • exploration of other brushes
  • delving into the world of color
Other hopefuly goals of improvement include:
  • improved anatomy of animals, horses and other
  • an increased sense of composition to create impact
  • more realistic backgrounds/scenery/setting
  • the ability to create images more than just copying of references